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A Reddit Mystery Solved: The Identity of 'Shitty_Watercolour'

A Reddit Mystery Solved: The Identity of 'Shitty_Watercolour'

Max Knoblauch Mashable - 39 秒前
[image: Shitty-watercolour2-1] [image: Feed-tw][image: Feed-fb] When 18-year-old Hector Janse van Rensburg was rejected by his first choice university, he traded books and essays for a dusty old watercolor painting set he'd received years earlier. Painting, he thought, might help ebb his nagging boredom and depression. The only problem: he was a shitty painter. Hilariously shitty. And so, the mysterious subreddit /u/Shitty_Watercolour was born in 2012. See also: 9 Clever Comic Artists to Follow on Tumblr By revealing his identity to *Mashable*, Rensburg finally puts to rest the con... 詳細 »

New Jersey Votes to Ban Tesla Direct Sales

New Jersey Votes to Ban Tesla Direct Sales Seth Fiegerman Mashable - 7 分前 [image: Tsla] [image: Feed-tw][image: Feed-fb] New Jersey has opted to burn bridges with Tesla. New Jersey's Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) voted Tuesday to prohibit automakers from selling cars directly to consumers without going through a dealer. The decision deals a blow to the electric car maker, which relies on a direct sales model by operating its own retail stores. See also: Tesla Stock Surges: Can It Shake Up Utilities, Too? Tesla had waged a last-minute fight in public on Tuesday to try to put pressure on the commission not to block direct sales in the state. In a blog p... 詳細 »


A Working Computer Keyboard Built Out of LEGO

A Working Computer Keyboard Built Out of LEGO Rollin Bishop Laughing Squid - 44 秒前 LEGO aficionado Jason Allemann has created a working computer keyboard using LEGO bricks. The base of the keyboard consists of the inner components of a generic keyboard, but the rest of it was created out of LEGO bricks. Specifically, the axles and connectors come from LEGO Technic, while the rest of the superficial pieces are [...]